Ramirez de Okariz, Iñigo

39 articles

University of Oñati. History (Universities)

An academic institution created in the 16th century whose life lasted, with ups and downs due to its precarious economic situation, until the 20th cen(...)Read the article

Garaikoetxea Urriza, Carlos (Politicians and Public Officials)

Lawyer and politician born on June 2, 1938 in Pamplona, in the bosom of a large, Catholic, traditionalist and well-to-do family. He married Sagrario M(...)Read the article


Sociedad Anónima. Empresa fundada el 25 de diciembre de 1901 mediante la agrupación de instalaciones de las papeleras del Cadagua, Vizcaína, Vascob(...)Read the article


See GEOGRAPHY (Index voice).Read the article


The geographical heart of Alava is the Zadorra basin, just as the basins of Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya and Navarre are the basins of the Oria, the Ibaizábal(...)Read the article

Ybarnégaray, Jean (Politicians and Public Officials)

Sportsman and political personality from Basse-Navarre, born in Uhart-Cize in 1883 into a well-to-do family. He did his first studies in Larresore and(...)Read the article

Nafarroa Beherea (Territories)

Lower Navarre, with its 1,336 km² - including Bidache and Came - is larger than Laburdi and Zuberoa, which are 857 and 789 km² respectively. It lies(...)Read the article

Zurbaran (Architecture)

An old tower in Bilbao (Bizkaia) that was demolished in 1878. It was located in Calle de la Torre, next to the church of Santiago; in the 15th century(...)Read the article


Franciscanas. Religiosas en Leiza (Navarra), dedicadas a la enseñanza.Franciscanas Clarisas. Religiosas en Alegría (Alava), Arizcun (Navarra), Azcoi(...)Read the article

ARRIAGA, Fausto Antonio de (Businessmen)

One of the pioneers of the paper industry in the Basque Country. He was from Durango and started up the first rudimentary mill in Bizkaia, around 1780(...)Read the article


The affair of the Basque nuclear power plants dates back to 1973, the year in which Iberduero presented a coercive plan for the implementation of two (...)Read the article

La legislación educativa en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca (Concept)

1980-2010 Información complementaria Educación Pedagogia Hezkuntzaren Historia. Historiografia Modelo histórico de alfabeti(...)Read the article


The rivers of Gipuzkoa, which belong to the Cantabrian slope, have a short course. The longest is 80 km. But the waters of the tiny area of Gipuzkoa A(...)Read the article


En el Pico de la Mesa de los Tres Reyes es donde se termina el estudio de la frontera pirenaica desde el mar a Aragón. Este punto limite está fijado(...)Read the article

Paper industry (Concept)

Papermaking technology went through several stages. Initially, it was made by hand, by shredding rags in vats using piles driven by hydraulic power (p(...)Read the article

Argentina. Integración social de los inmigrantes vascos (Place Names)

La experiencia de un porcentaje importante de los inmigrantes no terminaba en el ahorro de varios años para volver a casa como si nada hubiese pasado(...)Read the article

Sindicato de la enseñanza STEE-EILAS (Syndicates)

 El surgimiento del sindicato de la enseñanza STEE-EILAS debe contextualizarse en el efervescente escenario socio-político de la transición, c(...)Read the article

BORDER (LAW) (Unassigned)

Ver FRONTERA (Voz índice).(...)Read the article

Viruela en Gipuzkoa (Concept)

During the 18th century, smallpox was the infectious disease that most aggressively decimated the population in Gipuzkoa (1).In the 18th century, one (...)Read the article